Nile Petroleum Corporation (NILEPET) is managed by the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer on day-to-day basis. The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer is the accounting Officer for the Corporation and reports to the Board of Directors. He is assisted by seven (7) Director Generals (DGs); the Director General for Downstream, the Director General for Exploration and Production (E & P), the Director General for Training and Development, the Director General for Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), Director General for Joint Ventures (JVs), Director General for Legal Administration and the Director General for NILEPET Technical Centre. 

Furthermore, there are other Departments headed by directors who report directly to the Managing Director. The next level of management are the Section Heads (Deputy Directors) who are the operational officers in the departments. They are responsible for ensuring that all departmental activities are implemented accordingly. Departments also have team leaders, senior officers and officers.


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Monday-Friday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Saturday – Sunday: By Special Appointment
Public Holidays: Closed
